Pathfinders Afterschool
After school programs provide students with a balance of unstructured nature play with instruction in nature crafts, stories, tracking, bird language, wild edible plants, bow drill fire making, shelter building and wilderness skills. The program is always held outdoors (only in the case of extreme weather or unsafe driving conditions will alternate arrangements be made). Some common locations are Foothills Park, Arastradero Preserve, Redwood Grove, Palo Alto Baylands, Shoreline Park and Thornewood Preserve. Fire skills and wild edible plants/gardening are taught at a private garden. All parks are within 20 minutes of downtown Palo Alto.
For 2024-25 we will have three groups of up to 12 children with 3 instructors. Programs start the week of September 5 and run through May 23.
Mondays for K-1st grade students 2:20-5:30pm, Tuition $2,150
Wednesdays for 3rd-5th grade students from 1:25-5pm, Tuition $2,350
Children are picked up from Ohlone Elementary School and dropped off at Peers Park in Palo Alto at the end of the day. All after school programs are taught by Pathfinders' Director Drew Harwell. To enroll or for more information email: [email protected]
For 2024-25 we will have three groups of up to 12 children with 3 instructors. Programs start the week of September 5 and run through May 23.
Mondays for K-1st grade students 2:20-5:30pm, Tuition $2,150
Wednesdays for 3rd-5th grade students from 1:25-5pm, Tuition $2,350
Children are picked up from Ohlone Elementary School and dropped off at Peers Park in Palo Alto at the end of the day. All after school programs are taught by Pathfinders' Director Drew Harwell. To enroll or for more information email: [email protected]